ISFP vs INTP | Compare Personality Types (2024)


The Artist


The Engineer


ISFP The ISFP is quiet and introspective. Harmony and respect for values are important to them and if trust is broken the ISFP will walk quietly away, no fuss, but stubbornly refusing to engage again. The ISFP will live life quietly to the full, savouring the present moment, and enjoying the more private, sensory and practical activities of life, keeping things as uncomplicated possible.

INTP The INTP is deep, private, difficult to know and extremely independent. They focus on things that interest them most putting off completing tasks until the last minute as the routine bores them. INTPs love logic and an indicator of being an INTP is obsession with logical correctness. An INTP will struggle with emotion, great at reading situations but less good at reading people.

At Work

We all bring something different to the team and we all agree that difference and balance are good things. However when someone is different from us we might not understand them so well so in this section we allow you to compare the differences at work, how these might manifest themselves and how best to manage them.

Contribution to the team

ISFP The ISFP will bring a quiet sense of conviction and what is 'the right thing to do.' Although not vocal, the ISFP can glue the team together and be quietly vocal in their support of new ideas and contributions.

Contribution to the team

INTP Although quiet the INTP will come to the fore at analysing problems and evaluating ideas using their superb judgement and serious, unemotional nature to ensure the team makes balanced decisions.


ISFP The ISFP will not generally want to push themselves forward to lead as they prefer to remain slightly behind the scenes as a supporter and the glue which allows them to be trusted and help others.


INTP INTPs need those around them to be proactive and not keep coming to them with questions. They like arguments and actions to be well thought through and will excel at ensuring this is the case.

Being managed

ISFP ISFPs need freedom, and is not motivated by goals, or targets - and indeed may shy away, quietly, non-confrontationally, from schedules, and set priorities preferring the flexibility to work in their way at their pace.

Being managed

INTP The INTP will not fit snugly into a typical structure. They value independence, of thought and action and they need their space: to think, to be free from other people to work in short bursts of energy.

Attention to detail / focus

ISFP ISFPs are driven by values, making them incredibly loyal but they tend not to work best with detail or plans, preferring a flexible approach allowing them the freedom to contribute in their own unique way.

Attention to detail / focus

INTP The INTP does not like too much detail, preferring a broad-brush stroke approach. The simple, the obvious bores them and anything they see as trivial or unimportant will be pushed away.


ISFP The ISFP is very creative, as they have a great talent for noticing all the details and relationships between things giving them a subtle artistic approach and to come up with unique ways of seeing things.


INTP If it holds their interest the high critical thinking ability of the INTP and their shrewd judgements means they can analyse and distil even the most complex problems and cut to the core of what needs to be done.


Some people seek harmony, some see conflict as simply robust discussions, some people are emotional, some more factual. So there is no right or wrong about this and what we are trying to do is help two different people each understand how the other might deal with conflict and what it will mean for how they work together.

Initial response to conflict situations

ISFP The ISFP does not like conflict partly due to their need for harmony and partly due to their intense need for privacy and not to be ‘known’ and so they will tend to quietly walk away from fractious situations.

Initial response to conflict situations

INTP Rational argument, logic and intellectual theory are the routes to the ‘heart’ of the INTP who will have no problem taking the hard decision, as long as it is the 'right' decision, one based on logic and evidence.

Issues they'll fight on

ISFP The ISFP is a complex type and whilst they have extremely strong values and beliefs they do not like to open up except to those few they trust and so, even if pushed they will tend to walk away.

Issues they'll fight on

INTP INTPs are relatively easy-going until something violates a principle. Then they can become outspoken, inflexible and unreasonable, switching from reserved to actually enjoying the heated drama.

Conflict style / communication

ISFP Quiet and unobtrusive the ISFP will rarely project their feelings and so they will be difficult to know and even when they are upset or riled will tend to walk away and keep their own counsel.

Conflict style / communication

INTP Blunt and to the point, the INTP will rarely let emotions get in the way and will use logic and data to make their point. Those who are more emotional may find them at such times a little cold and harsh.

How they feel after

ISFP Emotional situations, indeed any people-centric situations can deplete the ISFP energy levels and they will need to go back inside themselves to recharge their batteries, enjoying quiet sensory time.

How they feel after

INTP As they are more deep and private the INTP will happily debate, using all their intellectual and logical abilities, before withdrawing back to their own world, not hard feelings, no feelings at all, it was a chat.


We all have different motivators, values and views on the world, in part driven by our personalities. The section below describes how each person is likely to engage with others, and how others may see them.

Being around them

ISFP The ISFP is a person of few words, intensely loyal to friends and family and the causes for which they stand - although this manifests itself much more in deeds than in words, as they are very private.

Being around them

INTP The INTP is very independent, deep and private yet can at times seem totally outspoken because of their directness of communication and economy of words speaking only when there is something to say.

Dealing with emotions

ISFP The sensitive nature of the ISFP means they can be easily hurt, but only really by those whom they have allowed in. From such people the ISFP will expect them to understand, to ‘get’ them.

Dealing with emotions

INTP INTPs find emotion difficult as they are at heart logical, analytical and objective with no time for anything they see as 'fanciful.' They will not be motivated by someone saying, 'please,' or by emotional pleading.

Openness and sharing feelings

ISFP The ISFP is extremely deep and private and so only those whom they had allowed close would really get to know how they are really feeling. A passive stubbornness will see the ISFP simply walk away.

Openness and sharing feelings

INTP The INTP will find it difficult to share their feelings, although they will be blunt and outspoken regarding their thoughts. In moments of single-minded concentration, the INTP will appear aloof and detached.

Drivers and values

ISFP ISFPs are driven by the need for harmony. The ISFP doesn’t use logic or intuition but genuinely FEELS things, through the senses, including how others are feeling if those others are part of their life-space.

Drivers and values

INTP Sceptical and difficult to know the INTP is wary of close emotional involvement as emotions tends to be slightly outside their own life-space and if someone gets too close too soon they close down.

ISFP vs INTP | Compare Personality Types (2024)


How do ISFP compare to INTP? ›

INTPs and ISFPs are both Introverted and Perceiving personalities, preferring to keep to themselves and go with the flow. ISFPs are generally more emotionally-centered and focused on the present than INTPs.

Are INTP and ISFP similar? ›

They have certain similarities which they can focus on in order to strengthen your bond. It's likely that they will also share some core values. It's important for INTPs and ISFPs to appreciate each other's differences and acknowledge that they will have obstacles to overcome.

Can you be both INTP and ISFP? ›

YES. But two of my closest friends have been ISFP (I'm INTP), and I'll explain why that works in a minute.

What types are mistyped as INTP? ›

The most common personality mistypes for the INTP (in descending order) include the INTJ, INFP, INFJ, and even ENTP.
INTPs have their cognitive functions stack in the following order:
  • Introverted Thinking (Ti)
  • Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
  • Introverted Sensing (Si)
  • Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
Apr 23, 2020

What personality is closest to ISFP? ›

However, the biggest similarity between INFPs and ISFPs lies in their cognitive function stack. Both types have Introverted Feeling as their dominant function, and this is probably the most noticeable and important trait that the INFP and ISFP have in common.

What type likes INTP the most? ›

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the INTP's natural partner is the ENTJ, or the ESTJ. The INTP's dominant function of Introverted Thinking is best matched with a partner whose personality is dominated by Extraverted Thinking.

Who is the opposite of INTP? ›

INTPs are sometimes referred to as “the Thinker,” “the Architect,” “the Engineer,” or “the Logician.” ESFJ is the opposite personality type of INTP. People with this personality type are described as quiet, composed, and analytical.

Is ISFP a risk taker? ›

ESFPs, ESTPs, ISFPs, ISTPs and Risk-Taking

Sensing-Perceivers have a fondness for risk-taking, especially in the immediate context. However, they do like to have a certain amount of security when it comes to their home life and the people that are important to them.

What can INTP be mistaken for? ›

INTPs can often be mistyped as ENTPs, or vice versa, since they both share the same functions just in a slightly different order. It can be challenging to really differentiate between the two, since they share so many similarities and very few differences.

What personality type does ISFP not get along with? ›

Low Compatibility: ENTP, INTP, ESFJ, ISFJ.

What is ISFP best match? ›

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, the ISFP's natural partner is the ESFJ, or the ENFJ. ISFP's dominant function of Introverted Feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling.

Is ISFP rare? ›

They rarely enjoy the fast-paced corporate world. ISFPs make up 8.8 percent of the U.S. population.

What annoys INTP the most? ›

5 Ways To Annoy An INTP
  • Gossip. INTPs have little patience for gossip or the latest celebrity “dish”. ...
  • Make Quick, Black-and-White Judgments. INTPs have auxiliary Extraverted Intuition (Ne). ...
  • Pull Rank. ...
  • Push Them to Socialize Too Much.

How do you spot an INTP? ›

Key INTP Characteristics
  1. INTPs are quiet, reserved, and thoughtful. ...
  2. An INTP enjoys thinking about theoretical concepts and tends to value intellect over emotion. ...
  3. When analyzing data and making decisions, an INTP is highly logical and objective.
  4. INTPs tend to be flexible and good at thinking "outside of the box."

Why INTP are misunderstood? ›

INTPs often feel misunderstood by others, mostly because of how their minds work. It isn't easy for the INTP to outwardly explain or express themselves, and this is something which creates challenges in their lives.

Who is the opposite of ISFP? ›

ISFP is the opposite of ENTJ ("the commander": extraverted, intuitive, thinking, judging).

Are ISFP dominant or submissive? ›

ISFPs ranked as having low dominance according to the CPI™ tool. This is likely because ISFPs, like their ISTP cousins, are very independent individuals who don't like to impose themselves or their agendas on other people. Giving everyone space, both personally and emotionally, is a high priority for ISFPs.

Are ISFP gifted? ›

ISFPs are super-observant and seldom overlook any details. However, what makes them so gifted as problem-solvers is that they know how to synthesize what they sense and experience into a coherent whole.

What is the weakness of INTP? ›

A significant weakness of the INTP is the tendency to be condescending and critical, either of their opponents or those who simply don't catch on as quickly as they do. Their constant pursuit of truth and objectivity, though admirable, can also provoke brutality and impatience as they drive home their own perspective.

Who is an INTPs best friend? ›

Friendship. INTPs and ENTJs are both NT (Intuitive-Thinking) personality types – also known as the Intellectuals. These two are likely to have a blast with each other as friends because they can have plenty of passionate conversations about deep topics.

What is attractive to INTP? ›

INTPs want plenty of space in a relationship to explore their own thoughts, ideas, and interests. They value a partner that appreciates their ingenuity and problem-solving ability, and one that understands their need for autonomy.

Is INTP a rebel? ›

INTP. Since INTPs don't care much about fitting in, their truth-seeking nature and innovative mind secure them a top spot on the rebelliousness scale. Their unique way of thinking and their skills for formulating ideas and analyzing information make them question authority and tradition.

Who is INTP least compatible with? ›

As a result, INTPs communication compatibility can be broken down as follows:
  • High Compatibility: INTP, ENTP, ESFJ, ISFJ.
  • Medium High Compatibility: ISTP, ESTP, ENFP, INFP.
  • Medium Low Compatibility: INFJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, ISTJ.
  • Low Compatibility: ISFP, ESFP, ENTJ, INTJ.

Is INTP a villain? ›

INTP villains generally don't see themselves as villains. They're not immoral, they're amoral: pedestrian morality doesn't factor into their decision-making. What's logically best is what goes, regardless of emotional cost or physical destruction.

Are ISFP insecure? ›

INFPs and ISFPs feel insecure when they are asked to delegate, give or receive criticism, or do something that is objectively logical but doesn't seem right on a conscience-level.

Do ISFP care about people? ›

In relationships, the ISFP is loyal, patient, and easygoing. ISFPs are eager to help and quickly perceive the needs of their partners and families. They often show affection with simple, practical gestures that make their loved ones feel comfortable and well taken care of.

What is ISFP fear? ›

ISFP – Being Trapped

ISFPs are free spirits who tend to make spontaneous decisions and follow their hearts. They fear making the wrong choice and becoming trapped in a situation they can't get out of; whether it's a job, a relationship, or a cross-country move.

What are INTP most likely to? ›

The INTP is typically non-traditional, and more likely to reason out their own individual way of doing things than to follow the crowd. The INTP is suspicious of assumptions and conventions, and eager to break apart ideas that others take for granted.

Do INTP avoid their crush? ›

They might come off as awkward or even repellent in their overtures, depending on how poor their social skills are. Depending on their state of Ne-Si development, INTPs can get a little lost in fantasy, falling in love with an image of someone and not seeing the whole truth about them right away.

What is an INTP female? ›

INTP females tend to be reserved, thoughtful personalities, who are often able to see the world in a fresh, unique way. They are likely to be extremely knowledgeable in the subjects that most interest them. They are skilled problem-solvers who are able to adapt to fit the needs of a situation.

What personality is the opposite of INTP? ›

INTPs are sometimes referred to as “the Thinker,” “the Architect,” “the Engineer,” or “the Logician.” ESFJ is the opposite personality type of INTP. People with this personality type are described as quiet, composed, and analytical.

Which MBTI is most like ISFP? ›

On Boo, the types we recommend the most for ISFPs are ESFJs, ESFPs, and ESTJs.

Is INTP a dominant personality? ›

INTPs ranked as having low dominance according to the CPI™ tool. This isn't very surprising, as INTPs are usually more focused on independent achievement rather than organizing and managing other people.

What is the love language of ISFP? ›

If the ISFP in your life is your romantic partner, seek ways to connect through the love language of physical touch. Express your love through hugs, hand-holding, calming back rubs, sensual kisses, and more. When respectful and wanted, these physical gestures will help this passionate introvert release stress.

What do ISFP not like? ›

ISFPs tend to be private about their lives unless someone is really close to them. They dislike it when others try to stick their noses into their business. If you want to stay on an ISFPs good side steer clear of clingy behavior, nagging, badgering, or otherwise invading their privacy or personal space.

What is opposite of ISFP? ›

ISFP is the opposite of ENTJ ("the commander": extraverted, intuitive, thinking, judging).

What is the quietest personality type? ›

INTJs are typically very quiet and reserved unless they happen to meet someone who, like them, loves exploring theoretical concepts, analyzing possibilities, and dreaming up long-term goals. That said, they're not typically very verbal when it comes to discussing their feelings or people's personal lives.

Who is the kindest MBTI? ›

1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.

Which MBTI is least angry? ›

According to the MBTI® Manual ENTJs are the type least likely to suppress anger and least likely to show anger.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.