Sieben weitgehend unbekannte Details aus Steve Jobs´ Leben » lite - DAS LIFESTYLE & TECHNIK MAGAZIN (2024)

„Ein digitaler Visionär“, „ein Weltverbesserer“, „einer der größten amerikanischen Erfinder“. Dies sind nur einige der Ehrenbekundungen, die unter anderem im Jahr 2011 auch vom damaligen US-amerikanischen Präsidenten Obama an den Apple-Chef gerichtet wurden, unmittelbar nachdem Steve Jobs, der Revolutionär der Technikbranche, seinen Kampf gegen den Krebs verloren hatte.

Aber es gibt dennoch noch vieles mehr über diesen Mann zu berichten, der zu den innovativsten Unternehmern und zu einem der erfolgreichsten Menschen seiner Zeit zählte. Etliche allgemein unbekannte Fakten können aus seinem Leben erzählt werden, die auf den ersten Blick vielleicht ein wenig bizarr und außergewöhnlich erscheinen, bei genauerer Betrachtung jedoch sein Wirken und seinen persönlichen Werdegang widerspiegeln. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie mehr über den Mann, der einige der größten und bedeutsamsten technischen Errungenschaften unserer Zeit geschaffen und eines der heute wertvollsten Unternehmen gegründet und wieder auf Fahrt gebracht hat.

Atari: Eine Versetzung in die Nachtschicht wegen mangelnder Hygiene

Bereits in den 1970er Jahren eilte dem jungen Atari-Angestellten Steve Jobs der Ruf voraus, mit einem brillanten Verstand gesegnet zu sein. Aber dies hielt ihn nicht davon ab – zu einer Zeit, als er sich fast ausschließlich von Früchten ernährte – auf Grund dieser speziellen Ernährung davon auszugehen, dass er sich nicht mehr duschen müsste. Kein Wunder, dass er wegen dieser unzureichenden Körperhygiene und deren geruchlichen Auswirkungen auf wenig Gegenliebe bei seinen Kollegen und bei der Unternehmensleitung stieß. Dies war wahrscheinlich einer der Gründe, warum der junge Jobs in die Nachtschicht versetzt wurde. Und vermutlich auch einer der Gründe, warum er sich anschließend recht schnell für einige lebensverändernde Abenteuer entschied.

Eine Glatze zu Ehren Buddhas

Jobs beschäftigte sich bereits früh in seiner Jugend mit seiner eigenen ungewissen Herkunft. Seine intensiven Nachforschungen ergaben, dass seine leiblichen Eltern ihn unmittelbar nach seiner Geburt zur Adoption freigegeben hatten. Vermutlich war diese Tatsache auch dafür ausschlaggebend, dass er während seiner Schulzeit von seinen Mitschüler gemoppt wurde. Bereits damals stach er aus der breiten Masse hervor, bedingt sowohl durch sein Aussehen, seinen Verstand und seine zur damaligen Zeit doch zum Teil unorthodoxen Weltanschauungen.
Sich auf diese Erfahrungen stützend, machte er sich zu Beginn der 70er Jahre auf eine siebenmonatige Pilgerreise nach Indien. Hier kam er unter anderem mit den Lehren des Zen-Buddhismus in Kontakt, dessen Lebensauffassung er dann eingehend studierte.
Zurück in der Heimat rasierte er sich gänzlich den Kopf und ging kahlen Hauptes auch noch bevorzugt barfuß durch die Welt, ganz im Stil der verehrten buddhistischen Mönche. Auch in dieser Zeit begann er sich mit der pescatarischen Diät auseinanderzusetzen, an die er streng bis zu seinem Tod festhielt.

Sein Jahressalär: 1 US-Dollar

1997 stand „Apple“ kurz vor dem wirtschaftlichen Ende. Der von ihm gegründete Konzern war in einer fürchterlich schlechten strategischen und finanziellen Verfassung. Aus Sentimentalität stimmte der Unternehmer zu, die Sanierungsaufgaben der Firma zu übernehmen. So sollte der Konzern doch noch vor dem Untergang gerettet werden; alles übrigens für ein Jahresgehalt von einem einzigen US-Dollar.
Natürlich besaß Jobs noch immer beträchtliche Firmenanteile und er wusste genau, wenn er seine Firma wieder zurück in die Erfolgsspur bringen würde, dass er durch die Steigerung des Aktienwerts fürstlich belohnt würde. Seine Zuversicht zahlte sich schlussendlich aus und belohnt wurde er reichlich. Die Erfinder des Mac und des iPhone erzielten in den nächsten Jahrzehnten unglaubliche Umsätze und fuhren enorme Gewinne ein. Aber eines können wir alle auf jeden Fall von uns behaupten – wir alle haben und hatten ein höheres Gehalt als Steve Jobs damals!

Seine Liaison mit der Folksängerin Joan Baez

Steve Jobs war Zeit seines Lebens ein großer Musikfan und verehrte vor allem die Folksänger der 1960er Jahre, insbesondere Bob Dylan und Joan Baez. Die US-amerikanische Folk-Sängerin lernte er 1982 nach ihrer Scheidung durch deren Schwester Mimi kennen. Beide verstanden sich trotz eines Altersunterschieds von 14 Jahren prächtig. Diese Freundschaft entwickelte sich fortan zu einer romantischen Beziehung. Bald wurde gemunkelt, dass Jobs sich vor allem von ihr angezogen fühlte, weil sie sich öfters mit seinem Idol Dylan verabredet hatte. Die Beziehung endete später aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Kinderwünsche des Paares – Jobs wollte Nachwuchs, aber Baez tat dies nicht.

Sein leiblicher Vater: ein syrischer Geschäftsmann

Die Geschichte seiner Adoption wurde in Walter Isaacsons Biographie über Steve Jobs, sowie in einer späteren Verfilmung zwar erwähnt. Im Grunde genommen ist von seinen leiblichen Eltern bis dato aber relativ wenig bekannt.
2011, nur wenige Monate vor dem Tod seines Sohnes, ließ sein leiblicher Vater Abdulfattah Jandali in einem Interview anklingen, dass er einmal liebend gerne einen Kaffee mit seinem Sohn trinken gehen würde. Beruflich waren gewisse Parallelen bei diesen beiden Männern durchaus zu erkennen. Der Unternehmergeist lag eindeutig beiden im Blut: Steves Vater Jandali hatte über ein halbes Jahrhundert lang erfolgreich eine Kette von bedeutenden Casinos in Nevada geführt. Jobs aber zog es vor, auf eine andere Art sein Glück zu finden. Statt alles auf eine Karte zu setzen und ein Vermögen in der Welt des Glücksspiels zu machen, steckte er alle sein Engagement in seinen aufstrebenden IT-Konzern. So machte er Apple zu einer der größten Firmen der Welt – und dies alles ehrfürchtig betrachtet von seinem Vater.
Die beiden haben sich übrigens nie auf diesen einen Kaffee getroffen. Jobs lehnte es strikt ab, seine leiblichen Eltern – die ihn zur Adaption abgeschoben hatten – persönlich kennenzulernen. Jandali schrieb es seinem „syrischen Stolz“ zu, dass er selbst nie den ersten Schritt gewagt hatte, seinen Sohn schön früher zu kontaktieren.

Seine Mitarbeiter oder die „Freude am Öffnen einer Schachtel“

Jobs´ Faszination für den Buddhismus endete bei weitem nicht bei einem rasierten Kopf. Gemäß den Lehren des Dalai Lama glaubte er an die Schönheit der Einfachheit. Diese Maxime können wir auch heute noch in diversen Apple-Produkten antreffen. So ist auch das Apple-Logo ein Paradebeispiel an Simplizität: ein lebendiges und dennoch einfaches Symbol, ausgestattet mit einem hohen Wiedererkennungswert.
Dieser Umstand bedeutete für die Apple-Mitarbeiter, dass sie immer zum Ursprung einer Sache zurückkehren mussten. Ein Teil der Mitarbeiterschulung bestand darin, immer wieder ein bestimmtes Apple-Produkt auszupacken. Damit sollten die Angestellten die einfache Freude an etwas neuem und unbekannten schätzen lernen. Jobs wollte damit erreichen, dass alle Bemühungen darauf ausgerichtet sein sollten, dass der Endkunde die gleichen freudvollen Emotionen erfährt. Auch das scheint ganz gut funktioniert zu haben.

Das zweite Google „O“

Bei Jobs stand nicht nur der Fokus auf das Wesentliche im Vordergrund, sondern er war auch für seine außergewöhnliche Liebe zum Detail bekannt. Als Google um die Jahrtausendwende zu einem der führenden globalen Player im Online-Business aufstieg und bereits damals täglich Millionen von Menschen deren Suchmaschine nutzten, haben nicht viele User ein kleines und unscheinbares Detail im Online-Auftritt dieses Konzerns bemerkt. Steve Jobs aber fiel diese Kleinigkeit auf. Er rief den damaligen Google-Vizepräsidenten Vic Gundotra an einem Sonntagmorgen an und teilte ihm mit, dass das zweite „O“ in Google einen falschen Gelbton hätte. Und dass ein Apple Mitarbeiter bereits an der Änderung arbeitete. Tatsächlich erhielt Gundotra am nächsten Morgen eine E-Mail mit dem Titel „Icon-Ambulance“. Nach eingehender Prüfung wurde der Farbton im Logo dann auch korrigiert. “Google“ präsentiert sich seit damals so, wie wir es heute alle kennen.

Seine letzten Worte: „Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow“

Bei Steve Jobs wurde im Jahr 2003 Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs diagnostiziert. Er widersetzte sich lange Zeit einer herkömmlichen schulmedizinischen Behandlung. Stattdessen bevorzugte er alternative Therapien wie Akupunktur und eine strikt eingehaltene vegane Ernährung. Nach seinem langen Leidensweg lag im Oktober 2011 einer der größten Innovatoren seiner Zeit, umgeben von seiner Familie, auf seinem Sterbebett. Und als sein Leben erlosch, lauteten seine letzten Worte: „Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow“. Welche Bewandtnis es mit diesen Worten hatte, ist bis heute nicht bekannt und wird es vermutlich auch nie werden.

Sieben weitgehend unbekannte Details aus Steve Jobs´ Leben » lite - DAS LIFESTYLE & TECHNIK MAGAZIN (2024)


What is the lifestyle of Steve Jobs? ›

Steve Jobs grew up in a lower-middle class suburban neighborhood in the 1960s. When he was a young adult, in the early 1970s, he delved into eastern mysticism, Zen Buddhism, and hippie ideals. Then he started Apple and became a millionaire at 23, an icon of entrepreneurialism and capitalism.

Who said technology alone is not enough? ›

So many of these quotes and examples forget one thing – to focus on the mindset Steve Jobs brought to Apple. That's why we need to listen to one of his most overlooked advice: “Technology alone is not enough.

How can I make a presentation like Steve Jobs? ›

Deliver a Presentation like Steve Jobs: 9 tips on how to do it
  1. Show Your Passion While You Deliver a Presentation.
  2. Use Visual Media.
  3. Give Meaning to Numbers.
  4. Create a Story.
  5. Attract the Attention Towards Yourself, Not the Presentation.
  6. Try to Strike an Immediate Connection With the Audience.
10 Oct 2020

Why is Steve Jobs so important? ›

Steve Jobs was a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer era. With Steve Wozniak, Jobs founded Apple Inc. in 1976 and transformed the company into a world leader in telecommunications. Widely considered a visionary and a genius, he oversaw the launch of such revolutionary products as the iPod and the iPhone.

Why did Steve Jobs only eat fruit? ›

One famous aspect of his personality, aside from his piercing stares and his charming aloofness at times, was his compulsion to only eat fruits and vegetables. According to his official biography, Jobs learned from an early age that he could induce euphoria by choosing not to eat for long periods of time.

What was Steve Jobs personality type? ›

Steve Jobs' personality type is ENTJ. This type of personality people are born leaders. ENTJs are often the people who have confidence, rationality, and charisma in them. If given enough time and resources to them, they will certainly achieve their desired goals.

Did Steve Jobs have a famous quote? ›

Listed below are some of his most famous quotes.
  • “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” ...
  • “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” ...
  • “Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.”
10 Jan 2020

Who is the main enemy of presentation? ›

The main enemy of a presenter is tension, which ruins the voice, posture, and spontaneity.

How can I make my presentation memorable? ›

Top 10 Ways to Make Your Presentations More Memorable
  1. Research your topic. State supporting evidence in a memorable and easy-to-understand manner. ...
  2. Be relatable. ...
  3. Keep it simple. ...
  4. Know your audience. ...
  5. Keep it real. ...
  6. Use visuals wisely. ...
  7. Slow down. ...
  8. Keep it short.
27 Mar 2015

How do you present like Steve Jobs and impress an audience customers and your peers? ›

5 Tips on How to Present Like Steve Jobs
  • Know the one critical point in your presentation -- then make it clear. ...
  • Acknowledge why people are listening to you. ...
  • Make an immediate, personal connection. ...
  • Keep the audience focused on you the speaker, not your presentation. ...
  • Know your story.
8 May 2012

Why Steve Jobs is a good leader? ›

'Steve Jobs' leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail, and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead. ' His creative awareness, his 'meticulous eye for detail', was clearly a driving force in Apple's success.

What was Steve Jobs impact on society? ›

He revolutionized the world with ground-breaking innovations with the personal computer, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Steve was and still is a role model for many struggling entrepreneurs, ousted business leaders, college drop-outs, adoptees, and disease-fighting people who could relate to his journey.

How smart is Steve Jobs? ›

"Steve Jobs likely had an IQ roughly 160 or above. In Walter Isaacson's biography, near the end of 4th grade Jobs was tested. Jobs said: 'I scored at the high school sophom*ore level. ' This means he was a 4th grader performing at the 10th grade level.

Can too much carrot juice cause pancreatitis? ›

Drinking Excessive Amounts of Carrot Juice Does Not Cause Cancer. There is no current research that suggests an excess of carrots causes pancreatitis or leads to cancer. Carrots, which are rich in antioxidants, are commonly listed among foods that can help with digestive inflammation — including pancreatitis.

Can an all fruit diet cause pancreatitis? ›

There is no evidence that suggests juicing causes pancreatitis. There is also no evidence to suggest that juicing or eating lots of fruit can negatively effect the pancreas, nor is there any statistically significant association between juice consumption and risk of pancreatic cancer.

What happens if u eat only fruits? ›

With a fruit-only diet, you won't get vitamin D and may only get small amounts of bone-building phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Ultimately, this could lead to weak and fragile bones. You'll also be lacking in some of the B vitamins, particularly B-12, riboflavin, niacin and biotin.

Why is Apple so successful? ›

Apple went public in 1980, but Jobs eventually left—only to triumphantly return several years later. Apple's success lies in a strategic vision that transcended simple desktop computing to include mobile devices and wearables. Both performance and design are key drivers of the Apple brand and its ongoing success.

What Steve Jobs said about God? ›

On Jobs' thoughts about God and what happens when you die:

He said, 'You know, I'm kind of 50/50 on believing in God. But I want to believe that something endures, that your wisdom that you accumulate, that the knowledge that you have somehow is able to endure after you die.

What are the 7 presentation skills? ›

Here are 3 things NEVER to say in a presentation (no matter how ice breaker-y the might seem!).
  • Understand your audience. ...
  • Tell the story of you. ...
  • Create a call to action. ...
  • Use storytelling to make your résumé come to life. ...
  • Rehearse your interview. ...
  • Watch your body language. ...
  • Control your voice.
21 Feb 2020

What are the 4 types of presentation skills? ›

The suggested organizational structure is also provided.
  • Informative. Keep an informative presentation brief and to the point. ...
  • Instructional. Your purpose in an instructional presentation is to give specific directions or orders. ...
  • Arousing. ...
  • Persuasive. ...
  • Decision-making.
12 Sept 2014

What is the difference between report and presentation? ›

The main difference between a Presentation and Report Writing is that a report is usually fairly extensive and gives a detailed account of the information on a particular topic. Whereas, a presentation is mostly a synopsis which highlights the key points that are important for the audience.

What is the 10 20 30 rule? ›

The 10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint is a straightforward concept: no PowerPoint presentation should be more than ten slides, longer than 20 minutes, and use fonts smaller than 30 point size. Coined by Guy Kawasaki, the rule is a tool for marketers to create excellent PowerPoint presentations.

How do you prepare before delivering a presentation? ›

How to prepare for a presentation
  1. Outline your presentation. ...
  2. Practice your presentation ahead of time. ...
  3. Read and revise your presentation. ...
  4. Write with your audience in mind. ...
  5. Take cues from professional speakers. ...
  6. Arrive early. ...
  7. Practice your hand gestures. ...
  8. Take some deep breaths.

How do you deliver a winning presentation? ›

Here are some tips to help you deliver a winning and memorable presentation that you actually enjoy giving.
  1. Take Time to Prepare. ...
  2. Research Your Audience. ...
  3. Identify Your Goals. ...
  4. Know Your Time Limit. ...
  5. Write It Down. ...
  6. Create Visual Aids (If Necessary) ...
  7. Memorize It. ...
  8. Practice, Practice, Practice.
30 Sept 2018

Why was Steve Jobs so good at public speaking? ›

Part of that was simply his raw passion for Apple and its products. In fact, he wasn't an especially gifted orator, but he happened to be such an effective public communicator because he worked really hard and practiced his ability to take his audience on a journey.

Was Steve Jobs a good communicator? ›

Jobs was never known for his stellar computer engineering skills, so he became a world-class communicator and marketer to compensate. His incredible ability to speak with passion through storytelling changed the future of Apple.

How can I talk like Steve Jobs? ›

How to Present Like Steve Jobs - YouTube

How Steve Jobs motivate employees? ›

He directed efforts of others through tasks and structures. Steve influenced his employees with a strong desire for hard work, shared passion, and clear vision. Jobs was driven by his desire to create great products as opposed to what the customers thought they wanted.

Is Steve Jobs an ethical leader? ›

In conclusion, ethical leadership is necessary for the success of any business organisation. Apple Company has remained a successful company under the leadership of Steve Jobs due to his charismatic ethical leadership that enabled him to motivate employees.
The Charismatic Leadership of Steve Jobs at Apple Essay.
Reading time7 min
Area servedWorldwide
26 more rows
3 Sept 2021

Is Steve Jobs a Level 5 leader? ›

Jobs is clearly Level 4. Nothing beyond. Level 5 leaders are those who took their companies to great, delivering "cumulative stock returns at or below the general stock market for 15 years, punctuated by a transition point, then cumulative returns at least three times the market over the next 15 years".

How Steve Jobs changed the world of technology? ›

Jobs and Wozniak are credited with revolutionizing the computer industry by democratizing technology and making machines smaller, cheaper and easy to use for consumers. The iPhone was a fulfillment of many people's wishlists for their phones — and it had a few features they didn't realize they wanted as well.

What was Steve Jobs cause of death? ›

The untimely death of Steve Jobs from pancreatic cancer at the age of 56 in October 2011 was highly publicized (Kane and Fowler, 2011; Markoff, 2011). Jobs was one of two founders of Apple computers and is credited for revolutionizing personal computing.

How did Steve Jobs impact the economy? ›

Steve Jobs' impact on the world continues today through his accomplishments in technology, innovation, and product development. While at the helm of Apple, Jobs led the company in developing groundbreaking products, including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

What is Bill Gates IQ? ›

Stephen Hawking's IQ – How Yours Compares to His and Other Famous Persons' IQ
Name (First/Last)DescriptionIQ (SB)
Benjamin FranklinWriter, scientist & politician160
Benjamin NetanyahuIsraeli Prime Minister180
Bill GatesCEO, Microsoft160
Bill (William) Jefferson ClintonPresident137
111 more rows

Who is smart person? ›

"A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and they're able to effectively manage their emotions," Dr. Catherine Jackson, licensed clinical psychologist and board certified neurotherapist, tells Bustle.

What Jobs do smart people get? ›

10 Careers that tend to have people with the Highest IQ
  • Doctors (Especially Surgeons) Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. ...
  • Professors in Colleges and Universities. Photo by Tra Nguyen on Unsplash. ...
  • Lawyers. ...
  • Engineers (Electrical, etc.) ...
  • Scientists. ...
  • Materials and Design Engineers. ...
  • IT Professionals. ...
  • Finance.

How did Steve Jobs spend his time? ›

A Day In The Life Of Steve Jobs - YouTube

How many hours did Steve Jobs sleep? ›

Steve Jobs: Entrepreneur and Apple Founder

He is not far off though, with 6-7 hours a night. Steve typically takes a walk and meditates before going to bed between 11 pm and midnight, and wakes up faithfully at 6 am.

How many hours a day does Steve Jobs work? ›

Jobs told his biographer that when he returned to Apple in 1996, he worked from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day, since he was still also leading Pixar's operations.

How did Steve Jobs manage his time? ›

In addition to prioritizing his well-being by exercising regularly and meditating daily, Beheshti, who is now an executive wellness coach and founder of the corporate wellness company Prananaz, says Jobs also was “extremely efficient and productive because he worked on his energy management and not necessarily time ...

Why Steve Jobs is a good leader? ›

'Steve Jobs' leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail, and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead. ' His creative awareness, his 'meticulous eye for detail', was clearly a driving force in Apple's success.

What time Steve Jobs wake up? ›

The late Steve Jobs woke every morning at 6 to get some work done before enjoying breakfast with the family.

How smart is Steve Jobs? ›

"Steve Jobs likely had an IQ roughly 160 or above. In Walter Isaacson's biography, near the end of 4th grade Jobs was tested. Jobs said: 'I scored at the high school sophom*ore level. ' This means he was a 4th grader performing at the 10th grade level.

Is 7 hours of sleep enough? ›

But there's some good news — you may only need 7 hours of it. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the Sleep Research Society (SRS) have issued a new recommendation, saying seven is the magic sleep number for most healthy adults.

What time do CEOs go to bed? ›

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX: 6 hours (1am — 7am) Tim Cook, CEO of Apple: 7 hours (9:30pm — 4:30am) Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft: 7 hours (12am — 7am) Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group: 5–6 hours (12–5/6am)

How many hours does Elon Musk sleep? ›

Elon Musk says he is "fairly nocturnal" and only sleeps about six hours a day. The world's richest man made the comments during an August 5 episode of The Full Send podcast. He said he usually goes to sleep at about 3 a.m. and wakes up after about six hours at 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m.

Did Steve Jobs have a famous quote? ›

Listed below are some of his most famous quotes.
  • “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” ...
  • “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” ...
  • “Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.”
10 Jan 2020

How much did Steve Jobs work per week? ›

Steve Jobs is one of the famous entrepreneur and a founder member of Apple Company. Steve Jobs worked tirelessly for the success of Apples. He worked for six to seven days a week and 10-13 hours a day.

How Steve Jobs influence the world? ›

He revolutionized the world with ground-breaking innovations with the personal computer, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Steve was and still is a role model for many struggling entrepreneurs, ousted business leaders, college drop-outs, adoptees, and disease-fighting people who could relate to his journey.

How did Steve Jobs motivate his team? ›

He directed efforts of others through tasks and structures. Steve influenced his employees with a strong desire for hard work, shared passion, and clear vision. Jobs was driven by his desire to create great products as opposed to what the customers thought they wanted.

What are the contributions of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates in the world of information technology? ›

Gates and Jobs facilitated this revolution, introducing a generation to the practice of personal computing and laying the foundation for the Information Age. Gates and Jobs turned their curiosity about electronics into a multi-billion dollar industry.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.