Where to Watch 'I Want to Eat Your Pancreas' - and is it on Netflix? (2024)

Where to Watch 'I Want to Eat Your Pancreas' - and is it on Netflix? (1)

I Want to Eat Your Pancreasis one of the most talked about anime films. Thanks to its unusual subject matter and strange title, the film has sparked plenty of discussion within the anime community. But how do you watchI Want to Eat Your Pancreas,and can you watch it on Netflix?

What is ‘I Want to Eat Your Pancreas’ About?

I Want To Eat Your Pancreasis based on the web novel and novel by Yoru Sumino. Hitting shelves in 2015, the story quickly spawned a manga adaptation, and in 2017, a live-action movie was released before the anime film launched in 2018.

The story follows Haruki Shiga, a young man who goes to the hospital. While in the waiting room, he finds a book written by Sakura Yamauchi, a popular classmate. While reading the diary, Haruki learns that Sakura has a terminal illness that she is trying to keep secret. When he confronts Sakura about this, she admits that it is true. Haruki and Sakura bond and become friends as the two partake in various activities together, despite Sakura’s friends hating Haruki.

Bittersweet and tender,I Want To Eat Your Pancreasis a surprisingly gentle tale about romance in the face of adversity. The anime film version was animated by Studio VOLN and directed by Shinichirō Ushijima.

Can I Watch‘I Want To Eat Your Pancreas’On Netflix?

No,I Want To Eat Your Pancreasis not on Netflix in America, Canada, or the UK. While Netflix offers the film on its platform in other territories, American viewers must look elsewhere.

How Do I Watch‘I Want To Eat Your Pancreas’?

In America,I Want To Eat Your Pancreashas a fascinating and complex release history. Originally, Aniplex of America announced that they would be bringing the film to the USA. It did get a short theatrical run in select theaters due to a collaboration between Aniplex of America and Fathom Events. Notably, the film was shown at the Animation Is Film Festival in Los Angeles.

However, like many more obscure Aniplex releases, the movie has never been added to streaming platforms. However, they do offer it for purchase from various outlets. You can get a physical copy of the film on Blu-ray or DVD via Rightstuf. You can also buy the film digitally via iTunes. These are the only ways to watchI Want To Eat Your Pancreasat the current time.And based on previous Aniplex titles, this is unlikely to change for some time. If it ever changes.


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Where to Watch 'I Want to Eat Your Pancreas' - and is it on Netflix? (2024)


Where to Watch 'I Want to Eat Your Pancreas' - and is it on Netflix? ›

The anime movie I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is available on Netflix but not in the US, UK or Canada. If you can not find the title in your Netflix library, use a VPN (French IP) to stream I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix. You can also rent/buy the movie from Apple iTunes, Amazon Video and Google Play Movies.

Is the anime I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix? ›

Watch I Want to Eat Your Pancreas | Netflix.

What country can you watch I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix? ›

France is one of only two countries we know of where users can stream I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (Je veux manger ton pancréas) on Netflix. The show has been available on the platform in France since February 2021.

How can I eat my pancreas on Netflix? ›

How to watch I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix in US using a VPN in 2022
  1. Download and subscribe to ExpressVPN.
  2. Select a payment plan.
  3. Login using the credentials.
  4. Connect to the French server.
  5. Enjoy streaming I want to eat your pancreas from the USA.
May 18, 2022

Does Netflix have your name? ›

Unfortunately, Your Name isn't available on Netflix in the United States. In fact, it's also missing from the United Kingdom, Canada or Australia, if you were wondering.

Is there a show for I Want to Eat Your Pancreas? ›

A live-action film titled Let Me Eat Your Pancreas premiered in 2017, and an anime film adaptation on September 1, 2018.

How do I change my region on Netflix? ›

The country on your account can't be changed unless you move to a new one. If you have moved recently, see Traveling or moving with Netflix for details. Using a VPN to access Netflix will hide your region and only allow you to see TV shows and movies available to all regions globally.

Does crunchyroll have I Want to Eat Your Pancreas? ›

Crunchyroll - "I want to eat your pancreas" Hits US Theaters in February of 2019.

Is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix India? ›

You can watch I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix, but only in France, South Korea and a few other countries and if you're outside these countries then you can't watch on Netflix because Netflix uses geo-blocks that's why it is not available if you're in the USA, UK, India, Canada, or any other country.

Is eating your pancreas sad? ›

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is one of the most heartbreaking anime films you'll ever see, in the best kind of way. The film centers around an unnamed protagonist, played in the English dub by Robbie Daymond.

Is Your Name Japanese? ›

Your Name (Japanese: 君の名は。, Hepburn: Kimi no Na wa.) is a 2016 Japanese animated romantic fantasy film produced by CoMix Wave Films and distributed by Toho.

Why did Netflix remove Your Name? ›

As much as we would like to have these titles forever, the reality is that some titles have their licensing agreements expire, which means there are no longer going to be available on Netflix.

Is Your Name sad? ›

Your Name is a sad movie. It has a happy ending and there are funny moments, but it's sad. It's heartbreaking. It's absolutely devastating.

Is there I Want to Eat Your Pancreas 2? ›

Sakura - I want to eat your pancreas 2 Paperback – March 1, 2019. Find all the books, read about the author, and more.

Did Sakura and Haruki love each other? ›

Sakura spends the last few months of her life with Haruki, completing tasks and activities she's always wanted to do before her death. After her death, it's revealed that she did have romantic feelings for Haruki but didn't make a move for the sake of not hurting him after her time has come.

How do I unlock Netflix region? ›

The simplest way to change Netflix region is by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN tunnels your internet traffic through an intermediary server located in a country of your choice. It can mask your real IP address and replace it with one from your chosen country, thus spoofing your current location.

How do I get Netflix for free? ›

What to Know
  1. Share accounts with friends/family: Go to profile > Who's watching > Manage Profiles > Add Profile. Enter name > Continue > Done.
  2. Some companies, including cellphone providers and cable companies, offer promotions that include a free Netflix account.
  3. T-Mobile: Sign up for a T-Mobile One.
May 12, 2022

How can I get Netflix for free without paying? ›

“You can watch some of the great TV shows and movies from Netflix for free at netflix.com/watch-free . Choose from a variety of TV shows and movies that are available to watch now for free. You don't have to sign-up or register, you can just press play and watch,” Netflix said.

Is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas on Netflix UK? ›

No, I Want To Eat Your Pancreas is not on Netflix in America, Canada, or the UK.

Is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas a sad anime? ›

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is one of the most heartbreaking anime films you'll ever see, in the best kind of way. The film centers around an unnamed protagonist, played in the English dub by Robbie Daymond.

Will there be I Want to Eat Your Pancreas 2? ›

Sakura - I want to eat your pancreas 2 Paperback – March 1, 2019. Find all the books, read about the author, and more.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.