Phone number behind Tommy Tutone hit 867-5309 (Jenny) listed on eBay (2024)

One of the most famous phone numbers in popular music is up for sale – or at least, one version of it is.

867-5309, the titular digits of Tommy Tutone's 1982 hit, has been listed in an eBay auction by New Jersey DJ Spencer Potter. Potter is not just selling the phone number, which would violate the telephone company's rules, but rather the DJ business to which the phone number is linked.

"This is really, in my opinion, one of the last cultural remnants of 80s pop," Potter told CNN, "other than the mullet."

He claims to receive almost 10,000 calls each year, from curious "80s fanatics" hoping to have a word with Jenny, to whom the song is addressed. "The minute we plugged the phone jack into the wall, it began ringing," he explained. He has since connected it to voicemail.

Of course, Potter's 867-5309 is not the only 867-5309 in existence. There are several 867-5309s across the United States (and the world) – his is simply the one with a popular New Jersey area code. The toll-free 800 and 888 versions of the phone number, owned by Philadelphia resident Jeffrey Steinberg, are claimed to be worth millions. Meanwhile, in the state of Rhode Island, a plumbing company has trademarked the digits.

Potter, 28, has more modest ambitions. He said he aims to make some $40,000 from the sale – enough for a Caribbean vacation and presumably a new phone number. But if the current bids are authentic – and that's a big if - Potter is set to collect rather more than a flight and hotel deal. With the auction not closing until 9 Feb, 201-867-5309 has a high bid of some $400,000 (£275,000). Jenny, it seems, is a popular girl.

Phone number behind Tommy Tutone hit 867-5309 (Jenny) listed on eBay (2024)
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